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July 5, 2005
Cadbury Dairy Milk - The Megabrand
"A glass and a half of full cream milk in every half pound"
When Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate, with its deliciously smooth texture and unique creamy taste, was first introduced in the early 1900s, it made an immediate impact quickly becoming the market leader. The success story has continued until today when it is still the top-selling chocolate brand in the country. The Cadbury Mega Brand's broad family of products has a universal retail value approaching US$1billion.
As an international brand, Cadbury Dairy Milk carries the same distinctive image all over the world. Wherever you buy a bar of Cadbury Dairy Milk, the pack design will be precisely the same. Only the language will be different. The famous slogan "glass and a half of full cream milk in every half pound" with the picture of milk pouring into the chocolate bar is one of the all-time greats of British advertising.
How Cadbury Dairy Milk came about
The Cadbury Brothers first made milk chocolate in 1897, but by today's standards was a very coarse dry product made by blending milk powder with cocoa and sugar. The milk chocolate market was then dominated by the Swiss, who produced a superior product by using condensed milk.
In the early 1900s, George Cadbury met the Swiss challenge and, together with the Bournville experts, started to research new recipes and production methods. By June 1904, the formula was perfected, and delicious new milk chocolate made with full cream milk, and containing far more fluid than any previously known product, was ready for production in 1905. Although considerable technological advances have since been made in the production processes, the Cadbury Dairy Milk recipe is still basically the same as it was in 1904.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 1:51 PM | Link to this Post