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July 3, 2005

Time Launches Archive

Magazine's Articles Since 1923 Now Online


TIME magazine's archive is now available on, bringing to life over 81 years of history as reported by the world's largest newsmagazine. The archive ( provides one of the most comprehensive news resources on the web with over 266,000 articles dating back to TIME's inaugural issue in March 1923.

To help archive users navigate the vast resource, TIME editors have organized thousands of articles into collections of research on popular topics such as TIME's Person of the Year, the British Royals, Love and Sex, World War II, Space Travel and Illegal Drugs.

TIME's extensive coverage of health issues is organized into easy-to-use collections of articles on diet and nutrition, heart disease, infectious diseases, cancer, cloning, psychological diseases and learning disabilities. TIME will add new collections on additional topics based on feedback from archive users.

The archive is available for free to TIME subscribers.

"This is an invaluable resource that spans our collective history since 1923, and it's a history that is often surprisingly relevant to the issues we face every day," said Joshua Macht,'s Editor and General Manager.

The TIME archive is built on HP server and storage technology.

“Transforming more than 80 years of paper content into an instantly accessible online tool is unprecedented," said Gary Elliott, vice president of global brand marketing at HP. "By turning analog content into digital information, this project unlocks the vast resources of TIME magazine, giving anyone with a PC and a bit of curiosity immediate access to how the great events and trends of our time were first reported."

Other features of the archive include:

TIME covers archive: Archive visitors can search all of TIME’s covers since 1923 by date, keyword and topic. Covers can be framed and purchased as gifts, home or office decoration.

Find Your Birthday Cover: The Find Your Birthday Cover feature allows users to find the TIME cover that was on newsstands the day they were born.

First Mentions: The ‘First Mentions’ section will cite the first mentions of such well-known people as Bruce Springsteen, Osama bin Laden, Elvis and Princess Diana.

Ask the Archivist: The archive has an interactive feature called “Ask the Archivist” which allows users to interact with the archive editors. StumbleUpon reddit Facebook Google Plus Tweet This Seed This on Newsvine

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 10:01 AM | Link to this Post

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