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September 16, 2006
Former Presidents George H. W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton Contribute Forewords in New Reader's Digest Book
For America: Simple Things Each of Us Can Do to Make Our Country Better by Sacha Zimmerman.
Despite challenges in the Middle East, the war on terrorism and steep gas prices, America remains a resilient and optimistic nation. Reader's Digest today announced plans to publish a collection of simple yet empowering actions every American can take to continue to make America a better place. For America: Simple Things Each of Us Can Do to Make Our Country Better, by Sacha Zimmerman, will be available wherever books are sold on October 19, 2006 (http://www.rd.com/foramerica).
For America contains forewords written by Former Presidents George H. W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton.
Written by Reader's Digest Washington Bureau Senior Editor Sacha Zimmerman, For America will be released in conjunction with an editorial event in the October issue of Reader's Digest magazine titled "America 2.0: The Upgrade."
For America is a powerful, motivational book organized into eight broad themes such as Ending Hatred, Influencing Leadership, and Improving Communities. Each section includes 10 to 20 simple deeds that people can do immediately for the benefit of their families, their communities, and America as a whole.
An elegant, gift-sized (5 1/4" x 7 1/4") 208-page hard-cover book with an embossed cloth cover and cream ragged-edged pages, For America is priced at $15.00 (ISBN: 0-7621-0829-0).
The Reader's Digest Association, Inc. is a global publisher and direct marketer of products that inform, enrich, entertain and inspire people of all ages and cultures around the world. Global headquarters are located at Pleasantville, New York. The company's main Web site is at www.rd.com.
Edited & Posted by the Editor | 8:58 AM | Link to this Post