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December 19, 2006

A Prescription From The Great Physician

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Dec. 19 -- Dieting and exercising are tried and true New Year's resolutions that are usually forgotten by February. Strive to be different this year by adopting extraordinary health resolutions such as eating more dark chocolate, sunbathing, taking a supplement that wards off major diseases and avoiding deadly emotions.

Health Physician

Photo: Book cover for The Great Physician's Rx for Women's Health. (Biblical Health Institute)

These are just a few tips suggested by New York Times best-selling author Jordan Rubin in his latest book, The Great Physician's Rx for Women's Health (Thomas Nelson publishers) with co-authors Nicki Rubin and Dr. Pancheta Wilson.

Written to address the specific health needs of women, the book offers natural ways to combat common concerns such as weight gain, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, estrogen dominance, menopause and more.

"Making some simple changes to your daily routine can reap enormous health benefits," says Rubin, whose books such as The Maker's Diet and The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness have sold millions of copies worldwide.

Healthy resolutions for men and women to consider in 2007 include:

• Take one tablespoon of omega-3 cod liver oil every day to boost the
immune system, ward off major illnesses, and to promote healthier skin
and nails.
• Toss unhealthy corn oils and shortening and switch to cooking with
healthy fats such as coconut oil, butter and olive oil.
• Two ounces of organic dark chocolate a day packs a health punch with
antioxidants and bioflavenoids as well as the release of endorphins
that act as antidepressants.
• Get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight a day. Our bodies derive
vitamin D from the sun, which is crucial for bone health, has cancer-
fighting properties and assists with blood cell formation.
• Reduce toxins from your environment. "Buy house plants to reduce
pollution indoors and water filters to remove chlorine and other
harmful chemicals from your water," suggests Rubin. "And throw our
household cleaners with harsh chemicals that can cause allergies and
• Forgive yourself and others. "The stress of harboring deadly emotions
builds up toxins in the body," explains Rubin. "Write down anything a
person has done to offend you, and then ask God to help you forgive
that person." StumbleUpon reddit Facebook Google Plus Tweet This Seed This on Newsvine

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 10:08 PM | Link to this Post

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