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February 21, 2007
Cunard Queens Make Majestic Royal Rendezvous in Sydney Harbour : GlobalGiants.com

SYDNEY, Australia, Feb. 20 -- Escorted by a flotilla of small boats and pleasure craft along with thousands of Sydney-siders lining the shores to welcome the grandest ocean liners in the world, grande dame QE2 whistle saluted her sistership Queen Mary 2 during an historic afternoon arrival into Sydney Harbour. Not since World War II have two Cunard Queens called on Sydney together. The celebration included fireworks from the harbour before Queen Mary 2 set sail later that evening for Hong Kong continuing on her Maiden World Cruise. QE2 is sailing her 25th Silver Jubilee World Cruise and calls on Sydney until Thursday. The arrival of the Queen's was a spectacle that caused grid-lock both on the streets and shores of Sydney. |GlobalGiants.com|

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