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February 22, 2007
Pepsi-Cola North America to Launch Diet Pepsi MAX : GlobalGiants.com
New Invigorating Zero-Calorie Cola Hits Shelves This Summer.

PURCHASE, N.Y., Feb. 22 -- Today, Pepsi-Cola North America announced plans to launch Diet Pepsi MAX, an invigorating zero-calorie cola with extra caffeine and a touch of ginseng. This formulation is specially designed for adults to get them through the day. The product, which received high scores in consumer testing, hits stores nationwide in June.
Purchase, N.Y.-based Pepsi-Cola North America (www.pepsi.com) is the refreshment beverage unit of PepsiCo, Inc., in the United States and Canada. Its U.S. brands include Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Jazz, Pepsi ONE, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Vanilla, Pepsi Lime, Diet Pepsi Lime, Mountain Dew, Diet Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Code Red, Mountain Dew LiveWire, Sierra Mist, Sierra Mist Free, Mug, Tropicana Twister Soda, Aquafina, Aquafina FlavorSplash, Aquafina Sparkling, Aquafina Alive, Quaker Milk Chillers, Ben & Jerry's MilkShakes, Dole and Ocean Spray single-serve juices, Tropicana Juice Drinks, IZZE and SoBe. |GlobalGiants.com|

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 12:22 PM | Link to this Post