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March 30, 2007
Grand Canyon Skywalk Celebrates Public Opening : GlobalGiants.com

Photo: The Grand Canyon Skywalk, suspended 4,000 feet above the Colorado River, opened to the public on Wednesday, March 28, 2007.
LAS VEGAS, March 30 -- Almost 2,000 people visited Grand Canyon West, home of the new Skywalk, on Wednesday. The Skywalk is the first ever cantilever-shaped glass walkway suspended more than 4,000 feet above the canyon's floor and extending 70 feet from the canyon's rim.
The first excited visitors lined up to watch as members of the Hualapai Tribe and founder David Jin cut a ribbon to officially open The Skywalk. After a celebratory countdown, guests were then welcomed onto the glass. Awed reactions ensued, with guests declaring The Skywalk to be amazing, beautiful and the experience of a lifetime. At the Grand Canyon West Airport terminal, visitors from all over the world lined up to purchase tour packages and be among the first to take a walk on the Skywalk. |GlobalGiants.com|
Located at Grand Canyon West's Eagle Point, The Skywalk is open from dawn to dusk, seven days a week. The cost of walking on The Skywalk is $25 in addition to the purchase of a Grand Canyon West tour package. The Spirit Package, $49.95, is the lowest-priced option and includes the Hualapai visitation permit, access to all points of interest at Grand Canyon West including Guano Point, Hualapai Ranch and Eagle Point, choice of an all-you-can-eat buffet or cowboy cookin' and photo opportunities with Hualapai Members. To maximize visitors' experience, a limit of 120 people are permitted on The Skywalk at any one time. To avoid scratches and slipping, shoe covers are handed out prior to walking and guests are not allowed to bring carry-on items on the glass. Although cameras may not be taken on The Skywalk, photos are available. Lockers are provided for guests to store personal belongings.
Upon completion, the visitor's center will include a museum, movie "The Making of the Skywalk," a VIP lounge and gift shop as well as private indoor and outdoor facilities for meetings, special events and weddings. Several restaurants and bars will be available, including The Skywalk Cafe, a high-end restaurant with outdoor patio and rooftop dining on the edge of the canyon. The second floor of the visitor's center will provide access to The Skywalk glass walkway.
Any media who would like to visit Grand Canyon West are invited to attend a guided media tour, offered every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Media tours will accommodate a limited number of people and reservations must be made in advance. All media inquiries should be directed to Amanda Hill at 702-254-5704.
Grand Canyon West is located approximately 120 miles east of Las Vegas, Nev., and 72 miles northwest of Kingman, Ariz. Attractions available at Grand Canyon West include The Indian Village with authentic dwellings depicting multiple tribes, The Hualapai Market, and The Hualapai Ranch, a western town with horseback and wagon rides. Grand Canyon West is the only location throughout the entire Grand Canyon where visitors can access the river and water recreation activities at the bottom of the canyon via helicopter tours. In addition to boat tours on the river, Hummer tours are available along the rim of the canyon and through private areas that are otherwise inaccessible to the public. There are more than 30 tour and transportation companies that service Grand Canyon West from Las Vegas, Phoenix and Sedona by airplane, helicopter, coach, SUV, and Hummer. In addition, Park & Ride services are available from Dolan Springs, Ariz., a one-hour drive from Las Vegas. The Hualapai operate the only one day white water rafting trip through the Grand Canyon as well as a Lodge on Historic Route 66.
To book reservations, view a complete list of activities or receive maps and directions, visitors may log on to www.destinationgrandcanyon.com or call 1(877) 716-WEST (9378). The Hualapai Tribe, consisting of approximately 2,000 Hualapai members, owns nearly one million acres of land throughout the Grand Canyon's western rim. The capitol of the Hualapai Reservation is Peach Springs, Ariz.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 12:10 PM | Link to this Post