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April 28, 2007
Professor Stephen Hawking Experiences the Freedom of Weightlessness During Historic Zero-Gravity Flight Out of Kennedy Space Center.

Photo: Ted Straight (center), an 8th grader at Stone Middle School in Melbourne, FL, served as a stand-in for Professor Stephen Hawking on the test flight held April 25. On board the flight, coaches and ZERO-G co-founders Peter H. Diamandis (left) and astronaut Byron Lichtenberg (right) conducted flight protocols planned with Professor Hawking. Pictured here, they helped to guide Straight from both sides as he floated up from the floor of the aircraft during a zero- gravity parabola. (Zero Gravity Corporation) |GlobalGiants.com|

Photo: Professor Stephen Hawking experiences the freedom of weightlessness during historic zero-gravity flight out of Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, FL, April 26, 2007. |GlobalGiants.com|

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 4:27 AM | Link to this Post