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August 22, 2007
Big Zooms Come in Small Packages With New Sony Cyber-Shot H-Series Camera : GlobalGiants.com
Photo: The new 8-megapixel Sony Cyber-shot(R) DSC-H3 camera has a powerful 10x optical zoom lens for those close-up shots you don't want to miss, and yet features a super compact form so you can take the camera along anywhere.
The model features high-definition component output, putting a high-resolution spin on the family slideshow. By connecting the new camera to any HDTV set with Sony's VMC-MHC1 high-definition component cable (sold separately), families can see their digital photos the same way they watch their favorite TV shows -- in full 1080 HD resolution. The camera is equipped with a built-in slide show function so you can view photos, complete with transitions choreographed to your choice of programmed music clips. |GlobalGiants.com|

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 10:07 AM | Link to this Post