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August 23, 2007
CAPITOL/EMI: Dean Martin Hits the Top 40 With Forever Cool : GlobalGiants.com
New Album from the 'King of Cool' Strikes a Chord with Youth Market; iTunes, Yahoo! Music, AOL Music, MP3.com and MySpace Help To Lead the Charge.
Around the world, entertainment superstar Dean Martin has the market cornered on charisma, easygoing charm, playful wit, and gracious humility, all of which combine to make him infinitely cool to each new generation of fans. Released worldwide on August 14 by Capitol/EMI, Martin's new all-star collaborations album, Forever Cool, debuts at #39 on Billboard's Top 200 Albums chart, with first week sales totaling 17,242.
More than 40 years after knocking the Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" out of the #1 chart position with "Everybody Loves Somebody" in 1964, Dean Martin continues to enthrall music fans around the world. Said famed producer Phil Ramone, "I think Dean's whole re-birth, so to speak, is that young people have realized how cool he is and how funny he is ... and he could sing."
Said Martin's daughter, Gail Martin, "It gives me a warm glow to know that everybody -- all ages, all generations -- just seem to adore him and want more of him. That's exciting, and it doesn't surprise me." |GlobalGiants.com|

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 1:20 PM | Link to this Post