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July 28, 2008
The Art Institutes Passion for Fashion Competition 2009 Announced
Career in the Fashion Industry.
The Art Institutes has announced its 2009 Passion for Fashion Competition. It gives North American high school students interested in the highly competitive fashion industry an opportunity to earn a full tuition scholarship to study in a fashion program at one of The Art Institutes schools.
Open to high school seniors throughout the U.S. and Canada, The Art Institutes Passion for Fashion Competition was created to encourage and reward young fashion talent at the high school level.
Bruce E. Dempsey, Vice President, Academic Affairs Specialist for The Art Institutes, said, "We have seen the caliber and maturity of the entries into the Competition increase every year. There are so many wonderful fashion courses in high school today, and many students see a career in this industry within their reach."
The competition consists of two categories, Fashion Design, and Fashion Marketing & Merchandising and Retail Management. The grand prize in each category includes a full tuition scholarship to The Art Institutes school with a Fashion program at which the student entered the Competition.
In addition to a full tuition scholarship, the grand prize winning student in each category will receive an all-expense-paid trip to New York City for Fashion Week in February 2009, a "meet and greet" at Seventeen Magazine's offices and lunch with a Seventeen Magazine Style Pro.
Deadline for entries into the competition is November 21, 2008. Passion for Fashion Competition Brochure 2009 can be dowloaded by clicking here.
The Art Institutes (artinstitutes.edu) is a system of over 40 education institutions located throughout North America, providing an important source of design, media arts, fashion and culinary professionals. The Art Institutes schools offer a broad range of programs including: Audio Production, Computer Animation, Culinary Arts, Culinary Management, Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Graphic Design, Industrial Design Technology, Web Design & Interactive Media, Interior Design, Media Arts & Animation, Photography, Restaurant Management and Video Production.
The parent company of The Art Institutes, Education Management LLC (edmc.com), with 96,000 students as of fall 2007, is among the largest providers of post-secondary education in North America, based on student enrollment and revenue. Education Management has 83 locations in 26 U.S. states and in Canada. Education Management's educational institutions offer a broad range of academic programs concentrated in the media arts, design, fashion, culinary arts, behavioral sciences, health sciences, education, information technology, legal studies and business fields, culminating in the award of associate's through doctoral degrees.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 11:12 AM | Link to this Post