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April 21, 2009
Powwow: World's Largest Gathering of Native Americans
Hundreds of Thousands of People to Celebrate Music, Art and Culture.
Photo: More than 3,000 Native American dancers dressed in colorful outfits adorned with feathers, bells, jingles and fringes enter the University of New Mexico University Arena (known as "The PIT") as part of the "Grand Entry" for the world's largest gathering of Native American and indigenous people at the 26th Annual Gathering of Nations held in Albuquerque, NM between April 23 and 25, 2009.
The world's largest gathering of Native American and indigenous people will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, between April 23 and 25, 2009 at The 26th Annual Gathering of Nations, the most prominent Native American powwow in the world. The event will be held at the University of New Mexico's University Arena (known locally as "The Pit") and will host more than 150,000 people and more than 500 tribes from throughout the United States and around the world celebrating their culture and traditions.
The Gathering of Nations' three-day event will include 36 different indigenous bands performing in an amphitheatre. The musical genres include country, reggae, rhythm and blues, hip-hop, rock 'n' roll, and more. In addition, more than 3,000 Native American singers and dancers will be entertaining a capacity crowd, and more than 600 Native American artisans, craftsmen and traders will be displaying and selling their work.
As part of the Gathering of Nations, a young Native American woman will be crowned Miss Indian World and represent all native and indigenous peoples as a cultural goodwill ambassador. Twenty-six Native American women representing their different tribes and traditions will compete for the title in the areas of tribal knowledge, dancing ability, and personality assessment.
The "Grand Entry" begins at noon on Friday, April 24 with more than 3,000 Native American dancers dressed in colorful outfits adorned with feathers, bells, jingles, and fringes enter the arena to the sounds of hundreds of drums beating simultaneously.
Source: Gathering of Nations

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 11:49 AM | Link to this Post