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April 26, 2009
Whooping Cough: "Sounds of Pertussis" Campaign Spokesperson Jennifer Lopez Kicks Off March of Dimes March For Babies In Miami
Photo: Jennifer Lopez, Honorary Chairperson of the March of Dimes March for Babies 2009, and spokesperson for the organization's new public service announcement (PSA) campaign on the need for adult pertussis immunization, supports walkers at the March for Babies walk in Miami on April 25. (Sanofi Pasteur)
The March of Dimes and sanofi pasteur have launched a U.S. national education campaign to raise awareness about pertussis and help parents learn how they can help protect themselves and reduce the risk of spreading pertussis to their babies, for whom this disease can be potentially deadly.
As part of the Sounds of Pertussis campaign, actress, singer, entrepreneur, philanthropist and mother Jennifer Lopez has kicked off the March of Dimes March for Babies 2009 season as honorary chairperson for this year's event. While in Miami she continued to advocate the campaign's goal to educate families about getting vaccinated with the adult pertussis booster, which can help to protect adults from getting pertussis and transmitting the disease to their babies.
Commonly known as "whooping cough," pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory disease characterized by severe coughing. Pertussis is particularly dangerous for babies who have not yet been fully vaccinated against the disease. Infants are more vulnerable to severe pertussis and face the possibility of serious complications, including death. Researchers looking at how infants have caught pertussis have found that in about half of the cases where a source could be identified, the disease was transmitted by a parent. Parents can help protect themselves from pertussis and reduce the risk of transmitting pertussis to their babies by getting a Tdap booster.
Sources: March of Dimes & Sanofi Pasteur

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 9:15 AM | Link to this Post