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September 7, 2009
Nestlé Chocolate Center of Excellence inaugurated in Broc, Switzerland
Nestlé Chocolate Center to combine artistic creativity and cutting-edge science.
Photo © Nestlé S.A.
Nestlé today inaugurated the Chocolate Center of Excellence in Broc, Switzerland, in the presence of Doris Leuthard, Swiss Minister of Economic Affairs, Beat Vonlanthen, Minister of Canton Fribourg, and Stéphane Sudan, Mayor of Broc.
Photo: Nestlé Chocolate Center of Excellence, Broc, Switzerland. Photo © Nestlé S.A.
The Chocolate Center of Excellence builds on Nestlé's chocolate-making heritage and will spearhead its drive in the premium and luxury chocolate segment, which in turn will influence the company's entire chocolate range. The Center combines a team of Nestlé specialists, from fine cocoa bean scientists, sensory experts and chocolatiers to packaging designers and consumer specialists, with the artistic inspiration of a panel of independent chocolatiers.
This spirit of open innovation is further illustrated by the Center's partnership with prestigious external design institutions such as the California Art Center and the ECAL University of Art and Design in Lausanne.
Photo: Nestlé Chocolate Center of Excellence, Broc, Switzerland. Photo © Nestlé S.A.
The investment of CHF 25 million underlines the strategic importance Nestlé attributes to its chocolate business, especially in the premium and luxury segment. In 2008 the chocolate business reached sales of CHF 9.8 billion, with an organic growth of 7.6%.
While global brands such as Kit Kat reached sales of over CHF 1 billion, 70% of Nestlé's chocolate business comes from local brands. In the premium and luxury segment, which grows above the category average, Nestlé is leader in dark chocolate and is well known for premium brands such as Nestlé Noir, Perugina, Cailler and Nespresso luxury chocolate.
The Chocolate Center of Excellence is part of Nestlé's research and development network, which comprises 28 Centers and employs around 5,000 people worldwide.
Source: Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 1:38 AM | Link to this Post