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December 28, 2010
UN Security Council Hosts Informal Exchange with Youth on Peace and Security
Photo: Members of the press interview a participant of the special Security Council meeting that focused on the concerns of young people, “Your World, Your Future: Voices of a New Generation.” UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras.
Photo: Young People at Unprecedented Security Council Event. Participants at “Your World, Your Future: Voices of a New Generation” at United Nations Headquarters. New York City school students and other young people from around the world told Members of the Security Council what the greatest challenges to peace and security would be for their generation. This special event was sponsored by the United States, whose delegation holds that body’s rotating presidency for the month of December. UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras.
Among the responses shared at the event were statements and queries about nuclear disarmament, peacebuilding, terrorism, violence against civilians during armed conflict, sustainable development and the threats posed by the persistence of economic inequality worldwide. Also addressed were climate change, the so-called digital divide, skyrocketing needs for energy and the need for universal education.
“The child is father of the man.”
— William Wordsworth.
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”
— Isaiah 11:6.
Edited & Posted by the Editor | 4:09 AM | Link to this Post