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October 9, 2011
Twizy: Renault's Response to the Challenge of Urban Mobility
Photos: French Carmaker Renault’s Twizy is an innovative response to the challenge of urban mobility. With its four-wheel chassis, Twizy offers the driver and passenger - seated one behind the other - an all-electric means of transport which produces no CO2 emissions.
Twizy is compact, nimble and practical - everything you need in city traffic. The wraparound bodywork creates a safe, reassuring cocoon which offers first class protection for both the driver and the passenger.
Power comes from a 15 kW electric motor which develops 70 Nm of torque, making Twizy versatile and easy to drive. The acceleration performance of Twizy in urban and suburban traffic is comparable to that of a 125 cc motorbike.
Photo: His Highness Felipe de Borbon, Prince of Asturias, during his visit to the Valladolid plant in Spain where Twizy will be manufactured.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 5:40 AM | Link to this Post