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September 29, 2014
Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships 2014 — Yana Kudryavtseva of Russia awarded the Longines Prize for Elegance.
Photos: Yana Kudryavtseva (Russia), winner of the 2014 Longines Prize for Elegance at the 33rd Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Izmir, Turkey.
Yana Kudryavtseva of Russia clinched the World Championships all-around title at Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships 2014 in Izmir, Turkey, on Friday, September 26, 2014.
Yana Kudryavtseva was also awarded the Longines Prize for Elegance. The gymnasts under consideration for this prize are evaluated according to a number of complementary criteria. In addition to technical considerations, each athlete’s performance is judged with respect to emotional appeal, beauty, charm as well as grace and harmony of movement.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 4:31 AM | Link to this Post