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November 27, 2014

What Makes a Great Student City? Discover the Top Cities for Students with QS Best Student Cities 2015 Announced Today

Best Student Cities, Global Giants

Student, University, Global Giants

Photo: “University Life”. Photo Credit: Photographer © Francisco Osorio.

Student City, University, Global Giants

Photo: “University Life”. Photo Credit: Photographer © Francisco Osorio.

Student City, London, University, Global Giants


Photo: London, United Kingdom. “Where am I?”. Photo Credit: Photographer © Daniele Zanni.

Paris tops for the third consecutive year the QS Best Student Cities, a ranking of the world’s top cities for students, released today.

Melbourne (2nd) gains three places while London drops to the third position.

The ranking, compiled by the team behind the QS World University Rankings, is based on five key pillars, which are then broken down into individual criteria:

To be included in the ranking, each city must have a population of over 2,50,000, and must be home to at least two ranked institutions in the QS World University Rankings. 116 cities in the world qualify on this basis, and 50 have been ranked.

This year, the number of criteria has increased from 14 to 18, adding in metrics on Safety and Pollution as well as the Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index and the Social Progress Index.

29 countries are represented with the most cities in the US (8), followed by Australia (6), UK (4) and by Canada and Japan with 3 apiece.

Europe boasts 20 cities, North America 12, Asia 9, Oceania 7 and South America 2.

QS Best Student Cities 2015

  1. Paris, France
  2. Melbourne, Australia
  3. London, United Kingdom
  4. Sydney, Australia
  5. Hong Kong, Asia
  6. Boston, Massachusetts, United States
  7. Tokyo, Japan
  8. Montreal, Canada
  9. Toronto, Canada
  10. Seoul, South Korea
  11. Zurich, Switzerland
  12. Vancouver, Canada
  13. San Francisco, California, United States
  14. Munich, Germany
  15. Singapore, Asia
  16. Berlin, Germany
  17. New York, United States
  18. Chicago, Illinois, United States
  19. Barcelona, Spain
  20. Vienna, Austria
  21. Canberra, Australia
  22. Auckland, New Zealand
  23. Brisbane, Australia
  24. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  25. Taipei, Taiwan
  26. Beijing, China
  27. Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  28. Copenhagen, Denmark
  29. Adelaide, Australia
  30. Manchester, United Kingdom
  31. Los Angeles, United States
  32. Dublin, Ireland
  33. Shanghai, China
  34. Kyoto, Japan
  35. Stockholm, Sweden
  36. Milan, Italy
  37. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  38. Perth, Australia
  39. Helsinki, Finland
  40. Madrid, Spain
  41. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
  42. Washington DC, United States
  43. Moscow, Russia
  44. Santiago, Chile
  45. Coventry, United Kingdom
  46. Pittsburgh, United States
  47. Brussels, Belgium
  48. Osaka, Japan
  49. Prague, Czech Republic
  50. Mexico City, Mexico

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Edited & Posted by the Editor | 1:56 AM | Link to this Post

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