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April 24, 2015

Cities Worldwide Invited to Apply for a "UNESCO Creative City" Designation

UNESCO Creative Cities Network

Photo: Graz, Austria - UNESCO City of Design. Signboard outside Graz Opera House. Photo Credit: Creative Industries Styria / © Timski.

Paris, France — UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) has invited cities worldwide to apply for a “UNESCO Creative City” designation. The designation of a city as a UNESCO Creative City is prerequisite for its admission as a full member of the Network.

To become a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN), candidate cities must submit an application that demonstrates their willingness, commitment, and potential to contribute to the Network’s objectives, which include cooperation among member cities in fostering creativity for sustainable urban development.

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) covers seven creative fields:

All applications must be submitted online using the official Application Form available at the Network’s website.

Applications must be received by UNESCO Secretariat no later than —

July 15, 2015 Midnight (Central European Time).

Applications received after this date will not be considered.

Among other documents, the application requires to be accompanied by a formal letter from the Applicant City’s Mayor presenting the candidature and a formal letter of endorsement of the candidature from the National Commission for UNESCO of the country in which the city is located.

After evaluation of the applications by the Network’s internal and external evaluators, the Director-General of UNESCO would designate the UNESCO Creative Cities 2015 and the list of the cities so designated would be published in UNESCO’s website on December 11, 2015.

Taking into account specific geographical or thematic priorities, UNESCO reserves the right to restrict the number of applications and may limit the maximum number of designations. In the framework of the 2015 Call for Applications, a maximum of three applications from the same country, covering at least two different creative fields, may receive a designation following the evaluation process. Only applications from cities with 100,000 or more inhabitants will be evaluated. Finally, in order to further the geographical balance of the Network, applications from under-represented regions and countries, particularly developing countries, would be encouraged.

If your city is looking for an innovative way to showcase its cultural pedigree and develop local creative industries on a global platform, then it should certainly apply for a “UNESCO Creative City” designation.

(GlobalGiants.Com is promoting UNESCO Creative Cities Network under UNESCO auspices.)

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Edited & Posted by the Editor | 11:09 AM | Link to this Post

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