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August 4, 2018
UN Information Service conducts the United Nations Graduate Study Programme at the UN Office, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Photos: Participants of the United Nations Graduate Study Programme in front of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. 13 July 2018. UN Photos / Jean-Marc Ferré.
To deepen the understanding of the United Nations system through first-hand observation and study, the United Nations Information Service conducts Graduate Study Programme at the United Nations Office at Geneva each year.
This seminar provides an opportunity for outstanding graduate and postgraduate students from all over the world to deepen their understanding of the principles, purposes, and activities of the United Nations and its related agencies.
The 56th Graduate Study Programme was held at the Palais des Nations from 2 to 13 July 2018. It comprised lectures given by senior members of the United Nations and the Geneva-based specialized agencies.
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