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September 29, 2018
Prime Minister of India addresses the Conference on Academic Leadership on Education for Resurgence in New Delhi
Photo: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing at the inauguration of the Conference on Academic Leadership on Education for Resurgence, in New Delhi on September 29, 2018.
New Delhi, 29 September 2018 — Prime Minister Narendra Modi today addressed a Conference on Academic Leadership on Education for Resurgence, in New Delhi, in which the Vice-Chancellors and Directors from more than 350 universities in India participated.
Mr, Modi said that when one thinks of resurgence or revival, the first image that comes to mind is of Swami Vivekananda, who presented before the world, the strength of Indian thought.
The Prime Minister recalled Swami Vivekananda’s emphasis on self-reliance, character building, and human values, as elements of education. The Prime Minister said innovation is another vital element of culture today.
Recalling the ancient Indian texts, the Vedas, the Prime Minister said that we could not imagine our society, our country, and even our lives, without knowledge. He said that our ancient universities such as Taxila, Nalanda, and Vikramshila, gave importance to innovation, besides knowledge.
Narendra Modi said that today, no country or person could live in isolation. He mentioned the importance of thinking concerning ‘global citizen’ or ‘global village.’ He said our Universities and Colleges should be leveraged to find solutions to the challenges facing us. We should “Interlink Institutions to Innovate and Incubate,” he added.
Source: Prime Minister’s Office

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 7:15 AM | Link to this Post