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October 29, 2018
UN Day celebrated with Concert: "Traditions of Peace and Non-violence" by Sarod Maestro Amjad Ali Khan
Photo: Ayaan Ali Khan Bangash performs along with his father Sarod Maestro Amjad Ali Khan (not in the picture) at the 2018 UN Day Concert, the theme of which was “Traditions of Peace and Non-violence.” 24 October 2018. United Nations, New York. UN Photo/Loey Felipe.
Photo: Lidiya Yanskovskaya, conducts the Refugee Orchestra during the 2018 UN Day Concert, the theme of which was “Traditions of Peace and Non-violence.” The concert featured music by Sarod Maestro Amjad Ali Khan and the Refugee Orchestra Project. 24 October 2018. United Nations, New York. UN Photo/Loey Felipe.
Source: United Nations, New York.
India at United Nations — Glimpses of #UN Day Concert 2018 — The concert featured music by Sarod Maestro Amjad Ali Khan and the Refugee Orchestra Project conducted by Lidiya Yankovskaya. @IndiaUNNewYork #UnitedNations #UNDay https://t.co/fADvIIWqKw
— GlobalGiants.Com (@GlobalGiants) October 27, 2018

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