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November 28, 2018
Internet Governance Forum examines Issues of Trust in Cyberspace at its Annual Meeting held at UNESCO Headquarters
Photo: Forum pour la Gouvernance d’Internet. UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay addresses the Internet Governance Forum. November 2018. UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. Image provided by and Copyright © UNESCO/Christelle ALIX.
Photo: Forum pour la Gouvernance d’Internet. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, addresses the Internet Governance Forum. November 2018. UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. Image provided by and Copyright © UNESCO/Christelle ALIX.
Paris, France, November 28, 2018 — France hosted this year’s Internet Governance Forum at UNESCO in Paris. The Forum examined ways to build an internet of trust that contributes to sustainable development and the building of knowledge societies, free of campaigns that spread hate and divisiveness.
UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay opened the Forum alongside António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Emmanuel Macron, President of France.
More than 3,000 representatives from governments, the United Nations, regulatory bodies, the civil society, and academia took part in the Forum.
Convened by the Secretary-General of the UN, the Forum highlighted the need to uphold human rights in the digital environment. Specific topics addressed included the digital divide, gender equality, the impact of artificial intelligence, and frontier technologies. The forum also discussed issues concerning cyber security, countering hate speech, and violent extremism.
UNESCO is working to maximize the potential of the internet in fostering sustainable human development and enhancing the free flow of information and ideas worldwide. The Organization advocates transparent internet governance that guarantees universal access and respects human rights, ethical principles, freedom of expression, privacy, cultural differences, and linguistic diversity.
Source: UNESCO, Paris

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 5:35 AM | Link to this Post