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March 9, 2019
Director of U.S. National Economic Council, Larry Kudlow, to speak at National Press Club Headliners Luncheon April 23
WASHINGTON, March 9, 2019 — The Dow Jones Industrial Average broke the record in 2018 for the most significant daily point gain with investors’ spirits buoyed by low unemployment rates, high GDP growth, rising corporate profits, and a significant roll-back on banking regulations and the corporate tax rate. The Dow also broke records last year for the largest daily point loss as Trump’s ongoing trade war with China and fears of interest rate hikes tested investors’ nerves.
On Tuesday, April 23, Larry Kudlow, the Director of the National Economic Council under President Trump, will speak on the recent trend in market volatility and what other factors may affect the US and the Global Economy at a National Press Club Headliners Luncheon.
Lunch will be served in the Club’s Holeman Lounge at 12:30 p.m. with remarks beginning at 1 p.m. followed by a question-and-answer session ending at 2 p.m.
The National Press Club is located on the 13th Floor of the National Press Building at 529 14th St., NW, Washington, D.C.
• Former Attorney General Eric Holder and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to discuss their battle against gerrymandering at National Press Club Headliners event, March 26
Photos: Former Attorney General Eric Holder and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2019 — Two of America’s most prominent voices against gerrymandering will share the stage for the first time on March 26 immediately following oral arguments in two anti-gerrymandering cases at the U.S. Supreme Court. Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General, and Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will discuss why they believe redistricting reform is crucial to the future of US democracy at a National Press Club Headliners event on March 26 at 12:30 p.m.
This bipartisan dialogue comes as the Court considers whether the Republican gerrymandering in Rucho v. Common Cause and the Democratic gerrymandering in Lamone v. Benisek are unconstitutional. A decision by the court could accelerate the state-by-state movement to draw good maps in the 2021 redistricting process.
This event will take place in the Club’s Holeman Lounge, and is open to credentialed media and members of the National Press Club.
The National Press Club is located on the 13th Floor of the National Press Building at 529 14th St., NW, Washington, D.C.
Source: National Press Club, Washington, D.C.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 4:03 AM | Link to this Post