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June 19, 2020
UGC India extends the Deadline for Submission of Applications for the Administrative Training Programme for Public University Registrars.
New Delhi, June 19, 2020 — The University Grants Commission has extended the Deadline for the Submission of Applications for the Administrative Training Programme for Public University Registrars.
In a Public Notice dated June 16, 2020, the commission has announced that because of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown, the deadline for submission of applications under the UKIERI Higher Education Leadership Development Programme for Administrators is now July 15. Those institutions which have not yet applied to UGC in the prescribed format may do so by this date.
The ‘Higher Education Leadership Development Programme for Administrators’ is a joint initiative of the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the British Council under the auspices of the UK India Education and Research Initiative.
The program includes two workshops to be conducted by UK trainers, which will train about 300 academic administrators in the level of Registrar and Joint/Deputy/Assistant Registrar to enable them to bring about professional transformation in the higher education institutions.
Further, to make the program sustainable, 30 potential future leadership development program trainers from among the 300 participants will be chosen and will be given additional training to train others.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) will conduct this program in collaboration with Advance HE, the training partner with globally recognized institutional expertise and leadership excellence from the UK. The British Council in India would coordinate the arrangement.
• For any further query, universities may write to the UGC or directly contact Mr. Mriganka Sekhar Sarma, Education Officer, International Cooperation, UGC.
Following is the original UGC Notification:
F.No. 184-3/2019(IC) — Date: 26.02.2020
UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) is a bilateral partnership between the UK and India which aims to promote institutional excellence through academic/research linkages and leadership development program.
University Grants Commission (UGC) and British Council under the auspices of UKIERI are going to deliver a Higher Education Leadership Development program focusing on the training of mid and senior-level educational administrators in Universities in India.
In addition to leadership training provided to top-level leaders like Vice-chancellors and academic faculty, the higher education sector also needs leadership development for mid and senior-level functionaries to bring about a professional transformation of our Universities.
British Council has identified Advanced HE, a UK-based not-for-profit institution, specializing in governance and leadership development of higher education for delivering the program.
• Train the academic administrators to enable them to bring about systemic changes with renewed approaches, capacity, tools, and skills in the higher education institutions.
• Identify and train potential future leadership development program trainers to provide a framework for dissemination and cascading of leadership training to other HEIs.
• Create and Strengthen the sustainable relationship between the UK and Indian Higher Education Institutions and utilize UK’s expertise in the field of Higher Education Administration and leadership.
• Central Universities funded by University Grants Commission.
• State Public Universities included under section 2(f) & 12B of the UGC Act.
• Administrative functionaries at the level of Registrar and Joint/Deputy/Assistant Registrar of the eligible Universities.
• Eligible Universities shall apply in the prescribed format.
• Eligible Universities shall nominate 3-5 functionaries in order of preference at the level of Registrar and Joint/Deputy/Assistant Registrar.
• To ensure gender diversity in the program, at least one of the top three nominees should be a female.
• The application may be duly forwarded and signed by the Vice-Chancellor/authorized signatory of the university.
• The last date for receipt of applications is March 16, 2020.
• The application shall be assessed based on criteria such as Participating Institution’s commitment to the program; Experience, achievements, and potential of the participants; Clarity of program goals; Potential impact of the program; and Sustainability and transferability beyond the curriculum.
• The selected universities and participants, along with the schedule of training, shall be announced by the end of March 2020.
• Participants will attend two 5-day blocks of development workshops between April and December 2020 in various locations in India.
• UGC would select 30 potential future leadership development program trainers from amongst the participants.
• UGC will bear the expenditure related to the travel, boarding, and lodging of the Indian participants.
- Full notification and the prescribed format for application are available from the UGC.
Sources: University Grants Commission; Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
Edited & Posted by the Editor | 11:17 AM | Link to this Post