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September 19, 2021
University Grants Commission (UGC) India asks Universities to promptly attend to Requests/Inquiries concerning Verification/Authentication of Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded by them.
New Delhi, August 16, 2021, — University Grants Commission (UGC) India has sent a letter to the University Vice-Chancellors. The letter asks them to ensure that their respective institutions pay prompt attention to the requests/inquiries concerning the Verification/Authentication of Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates they have awarded.
UGC has directed the universities to timely respond to all such inquiries in the students’ interest.
Source: University Grants Commission (UGC) India
— UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 18, 2021 —
⢠University Grants Commission has sent the following communication to the Vice-Chancellors of all Universities:
⢠Sub: Implementation of Guidelines for Gender Champions in Educational Institutions.
Dear Madam/Sir,
To promote gender equality, guaranteed by Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, we need to change the mode of interaction at all levels — home, school, college, university, workplace, and so on. To increase the outreach for creating an environment that fosters equal treatment, the Government of India visualizes the engagement of Gender Champions in all educational institutions across the country. Gender Champions can be both boys and girls above 16 years of age enrolled in educational institutions. Gender Champions would be responsible leaders who will facilitate an enabling environment within their schools/colleges/academic institutions where girls are treated with dignity and respect.
In this context, kindly refer to this office letter of even number dated September 29, 2020, regarding the need for Gender Champions’ engagement to create an environment that fosters equal treatment in all educational institutions across the country.
Therefore, you are once again requested to ensure swift implementation of the ‘Guidelines for Gender Champions in Educational institutions’ in your University and the affiliated Colleges.
Further, please fill up the online details of compliance of Gender Champions by your University and affiliated Colleges and submit the same at “saksham.ugc.ac.in”.
Source: University Grants Commission (UGC) India
Edited & Posted by the Editor | 9:15 AM | Link to this Post