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January 15, 2022

U.S. Institute of Peace Nominations are Open for the 2022 Women Building Peace Award

The annual award recognizes women peacebuilders from conflict-affected countries.

U.S. Institute of Peace

WASHINGTON, January 13, 2022 — The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) has announced that nominations are open for the 2022 Women Building Peace Award. This prestigious annual award honors women building peace in countries impacted by violent conflict.

The nominations period will run until February 14, 2022. USIP will recognize the awardee at a ceremony in October 2022.

Countless women risk their lives to create peace in their communities, leading movements for justice and inclusivity despite often being overlooked in their efforts. USIP said it is committed to doing more to support and celebrate these women and the impact they have as agents of peace. USIP invites organizations and people across the globe to take part in identifying and honoring exceptional women who have dedicated their lives to peace.

USIP strongly encourages nominations for women who have not been previously recognized for their peacebuilding work. USIP will review the nominations on the following criteria:

Women Building Peace Council, a group of distinguished experts who advise USIP on matters of gender and peacebuilding, will choose the 2022 award winner.

Previous Women Building Peace Award recipients include Josephine Ekiru of Kenya and Rita Lopidia of South Sudan. USIP has recognized nineteen women as finalists for the award since its inception in 2019.

The United States Institute of Peace is a national, nonpartisan, independent Institute founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical, and essential for the U.S. and global security. The Institute works with local partners to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflict in conflict zones abroad. In addition, USIP works with governments and civil societies to build local capacities to manage conflict peacefully to reduce future crises and the need for costly interventions. The Institute pursues its mission by linking research, policy, training, analysis, and direct action to support those working to build a more peaceful, inclusive world.

Source: United States Institute of Peace

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