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May 24, 2022
India's Minister of State for Science & Technology, Dr. Jitendra Singh, addresses the 50th Convocation of D.A.V. College, Hoshiarpur, Punjab.
Photo: The Minister of State for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Prime Minister’s Office, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh at the 50th Convocation of D.A.V. College Hoshiarpur, in Punjab on May 24, 2022.
Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India, May 24, 2022 — India’s Minister of State for Science & Technology, Dr. Jitendra Singh, said that the new National Education Policy supplements the Start-Up ecosystem with the promise to open new career and entrepreneurship opportunities for students and youth in India.
Dr. Singh was addressing the 50th Convocation of D.A.V. College, Hoshiarpur. He said Punjab must reclaim its past glory as a premier education hub of India. He recalled that even in pre-Independence India, Government College Lahore and Punjab University Lahore were among the leading educational institutions in the entire subcontinent.
Dr. Jitendra Singh reminded the academia and students of the historical context and said that until independence in 1947, Punjab University Lahore (now in Pakistan) fulfilled the educational needs of a vast subcontinent region. After Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta, the British Government established Punjab University Lahore in 1882. Dr. Singh added that the British Government similarly established the Lahore College for Women as a residential college in May 1922.
Dr. Jitendra Singh said the contribution of D.A.V. institutions in spreading the light of education has indeed been invaluable, and one must be proud to receive a graduation or post-graduation degree from one of the premier institutions of North India. He said it’s also heartening to note that D.A.V. has routinely been ranked among the top institutions of India and congratulated all for this achievement.
Dr. Jitendra Singh emphasized that Convocation day or Graduation ceremony does not mean the end of your learning. But it is a continuous process as new opportunities emerge every day. Referring to Skill India Mission, he urged the students to imbibe multiple skills to be successful in life as there is an ample number of examples to show that those equipped with the latest skills are doing wonders in the world today.
In conclusion, the Minister said that Convocation day is one of the most critical days in a student’s life. It is not just an acknowledgment of your hard work but a token of your responsibility towards society. He said, you are fortunate to have studied in an institution like D.A.V. College, and on this solemn day, you must not fail to acknowledge your parents and teachers who have guided you.
Source: Ministry of Science & Technology, India

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 10:57 AM | Link to this Post