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August 30, 2022

The American University in Cairo to receive the 2022 UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize


Photo: UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. A section of the participants at the Opening of An Ambition to Transform Education. June 29, 2022. Image provided by & Copyright © UNESCO/Lily CHAVANCE.

Paris. France, August 29, 2022 — UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay has named the American University in Cairo’s Libraries and Learning Technologies, Rare Books, and Special Collections Library in Egypt as the laureate of the 2022 UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize. She did it following the recommendation of an international jury of experts.

“The Rare Books and Special Collections Library is a powerful testament to how well-preserved, accessible documentary heritage can become a wellspring for understanding history and culture across regions. I congratulate them on winning this Prize,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay.

In its recommendation, the international jury of experts recognized the laureate’s unique expertise and outstanding work in preserving and enabling access to Egyptian documentary heritage of global significance. The Library will be presented with the Prize in a ceremony in Cheongju, the Republic of Korea, on September 2, during the 30th-anniversary celebration of UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme.

• The Rare Books and Special Collections Library

Founded in 1919, the American University in Cairo (AUC) became actively involved in the preservation of cultural heritage in the 1950s when it acquired the collection of Sir Keppel Archibald Cameron Creswell, a pioneer in the study of Islamic art and architecture. It has since continued collecting and preserving rare books, drawings, and other documentary heritage, including, to name but a few, the papers, plans, and artifacts of notable Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, the Van Leo Photographic Collection, and documents about the history of Egyptian women and society.

The University’s Rare Books and Special Collections Library has a conservation laboratory and digitization center, contributing to its important work in preserving Egyptian documentary heritage and making it accessible to scholars, students, and the public. By supporting research and collaborating with other institutions in Egypt and beyond, the Library has become an indispensable research hub for Arabic and African countries.

The UNESCO / Jikji Memory of the World Prize commemorates the inscription on the Memory of the World International Register of Buljo jikji simche yojeol, a Korean work considered the oldest book printed with movable metal type. Funded by the Republic of Korea through the City of Cheongju, the Prize recognizes efforts to contribute to preserving and accessibility to documentary heritage as the common heritage of humanity.

Source: UNESCO

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