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December 25, 2023
UNESCO Announces Winners of its Future Designer International Innovation Design Awards
Photo: A speaker at the “(Re)thinking Common Good, Acting Together” high-level discussion at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Image provided by & copyright © UNESCO/Marie ETCHEGOYEN.
Paris, December 23, 2023 — Eighty-three teams of university students and their mentors from 19 countries are the first winners of the Future Designer International Innovation Design Awards at the Science for the Sustainable Development Goals Innovation Contest.
The winning designs range from an Air Ionizing-Humidifier with an Indoor Air Pollutant Detector to a solar-powered public bench, reusable LED bulbs and tubes with a replaceable cartridge, and sustainable fashion in the form of bags made from ‘green’ materials that are produced using a three-dimensional (3D) printer.
Ralph Benedict Capili developed the humidifier with his mentor, Evelyn Marinas, from the University of Doha for Science and Technology in the Philippines. SolSeatz, the solar-powered public bench, is the brainchild of Saber Aragh and his mentor, Hamid Naghd Bishi, from the Pars University of Architecture and Art in Iran. Shreya Chopra and her mentor Nanita Chopra from Amity University Noida in India won a silver award for GLED, the reusable LED bulbs and tubes. Eszter Borsodi and her mentor Tamasi Kinga from the University of Miskolc in Hungary produced the sustainable fashion.
Another team of five students from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia in Spain designed a self-regulating nest for sea turtles.
About 30% (25) of the 83 teams won gold awards. Another 29 teams won silver and 29 bronze awards. Each winning team will receive a certificate.
The 83 winning teams come from the following 24 countries: Argentina, Austria, Belarus, China, Costa Rica, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Philippines, Japan, Rwanda, Spain, Sri Lanka, Russian Federation, Ghana, Kenya, Palestine, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.
Unesco selected the winning teams from over 1,500 applications from 48 countries, with 228 entries advancing to the final evaluation stage.
The awards were open to undergraduate and postgraduate students worldwide. The aim was to solicit innovative, creative works from young people worldwide to raise awareness of the critical role that Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Source: UNESCO
— The Editor is a Higher Education Professional & Consultant with diverse certifications from the world’s top institutions, including the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning Paris, Universities of Harvard, Oxford, Cornell, UC Berkeley, Dartmouth, International Monetary Fund, and the World Intellectual Property Organization Academy, Geneva.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 7:22 PM | Link to this Post