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January 15, 2024
Deer. And Rabbits. And Owls. And Foxes.
U.S. Postal Service Issues Winter Woodland Animals Stamps.
Photo: U.S. Postal Service Issues Winter Woodland Animals Stamps. Deer. And Rabbits. And Owls. And Foxes.
WASHINGTON — The United States Postal Service commemorates four species that reside in North American woodlands with the release of the Winter Woodland Animals stamps. These species, including deer, rabbits, owls, and foxes, are some of the most recognizable wildlife found throughout America and remind us of the stunning natural environment surrounding us.
White-tailed deer are one of the most abundant species in North America and are admired for their beauty and agility. Rabbits often live near the edge of forests to easily find food from gardens, yards, and meadows. Foxes are tough and adaptable creatures that have learned to thrive in almost every environment. Owls are fascinating birds of prey that prefer to nest in tree cavities or abandoned nests of other birds.
The stamps feature whimsical, graphic illustrations of these creatures. Antonio Alcala, an art director for the Postal Service, designed the stamps with Katie Kirk, who illustrated them using geometric shapes of bold, solid color. Each animal appears with details of its habitat in winter, such as a full or crescent moon, snow-covered trees, holly branches with berries, and delicate snowflakes.
Source: U.S. Postal Service

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 12:10 AM | Link to this Post