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January 3, 2024
The University Grants Commission (UGC) warns Universities in India against collaborating with Foreign Higher Institutions not recognized by it.
New Delhi, India, January 03, 2024 — The University Grants Commission (UGC) has warned all universities in India against collaborating with foreign higher education institutions that the Commission does not recognize.
The UGC has observed that some universities are attempting to partner with foreign educational institutions that the Commission does not recognize. The UGC does not acknowledge such partnerships, and the Commission will not recognize any degrees conferred following such arrangements.
• In addition, all such collaborations must comply with “The University Grants Commission (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Education Institutions to offer Twinning Programme, Joint Degree, Dual Degree Programmes) Regulations, 2022.”
Further, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has warned students and the public that opting for programs and degrees that do not have UGC recognition will result in consequences.
Furthermore, the UGC has alerted that it will take action against all defaulting Universities in India under applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
Photo: The University Grants Commission (UGC) warns Universities in India against collaborating with Foreign Higher Institutions not recognized by it. The UGC has alerted that it will take action against all defaulting Universities.
Source: UGC

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 3:01 PM | Link to this Post