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August 14, 2006

Newsweek/Kaplan How to Get into College Guide

Elite Schools Booming, Providing Excellent Education Outside of Ivy League Circle.
Newsweek's 'New Ivies' Include Boston College, Carnegie-Mellon, NYU, Colgate and Emory.

A generation ago, elite schools were a clearly defined group: the eight schools in the Ivy League along with such academic powerhouses as Stanford, the University of Chicago, MIT and Caltech. But, as Senior Editor Barbara Kantrowitz and Chicago Correspondent Karen Springen report in the current issue of Newsweek, the number of world-class schools has skyrocketed in the past few decades along with the booming number of college-bound students. The demand for an excellent education has created an ever-expanding supply of big and small campuses that provide great academics and first-rate faculties.


In the annual Newsweek/Kaplan "How to Get Into College" Guide, Newsweek lists 25 "New Ivies"-schools that are the beneficiaries of the boom in top students. They were selected based on admissions statistics and interviews with administrators, faculty, students and alumni. In some cases, admissions directors have also provided examples of "overlap" schools-rivals for applicants to the colleges on the list.

The schools on the list:

Boston College - Chestnut Hill, Mass.
Bowdoin College -Brunswick, Maine
Carnegie Mellon-Pittsburgh, Pa.
Harvey Mudd and Pomona Colleges - Claremont, Calif.
Colby College - Waterville, Maine
Colgate University-Hamilton, N.Y.
Davidson College-Davidson, N.C.
Emory University-Atlanta, Ga.
Kenyon College-Gambier, Ohio
Macalester College-St. Paul, Minn.
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Mich.
New York University-New York, N.Y.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, N.C.
Notre Dame University-South Bend, Ind.
Olin College of Engineering-Needham, Mass.
Reed College-Portland, Ore.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute-Troy, N.Y.
Rice University-Houston, Texas
University of Rochester-Rochester, N.Y.
Skidmore College-Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Tufts University-Medford, Mass.
University of California-Los Angeles, Calif.
Vanderbilt University-Nashville, Tenn.
University of Virginia-Charlottesville, Va.
Washington University-St. Louis, Mo.

Also in the excerpt:

• Reporter Andrew Romano looks at the growing popularity of studying in
Scotland. The main attraction is a quartet of medieval universities-
Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow and St. Andrews-known as the Scottish
Ivies. U.S. enrollment in Scottish colleges is up 80 percent in the past
decade. For Americans taken with the looks of an Ivy League campus,
Scotland's ancient universities can hold an ever-richer store of
history. Scottish schools still boast a four-year program that allows
undergrads to study several subjects before settling on a major.

• Silicon Valley Correspondent Brad Stone reports on the darker side of
social-networking Web sites. Students use ad-supported services like
Facebook, MySpace, TagWorld and Bebo to plan their social lives and
project their personalities. But, as Stone reports, photos from drunken
parties, recollections of sexual escapades, profanity and threats are
all indiscretions that have gotten students suspended, expelled or
harmed their job prospects. Even though companies are loath to admit it,
researching candidates on social networks is becoming as easy and
prevalent as entering their names into Google.

• Romano reports on the increase in enrollment in Arabic language courses
in U.S. colleges. Enrollment grew 92 percent between 1998 and 2002-and,
spurred by 9/11 and the Iraq war, has probably doubled since then, says
Gerald Lampe, president of the American Association of Teachers of
Arabic. While many study Arabic for better job opportunities, many of
those jobs are inside the Beltway and require applicants to wait
sometimes months for security clearance. Many seek out less lucrative
positions in the fast-growing field of Mideast non-profits.

• Detroit Bureau Chief Keith Naughton reports that not only do more
college students own their own cars, but they're spending $4.2 billion a
year customizing them, outfitting their rides with ground-shaking sound
systems, nitrous-injected engines and 20-inch rims (called dubs in
street parlance). "Just like their ringtones, their clothes and their
dorm rooms," says the Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association's
Peter MacGillivray, "their vehicles reflect their personalities."

• Senior Writer Bret Begun reports on the dilemma many incoming freshmen
face: whether or not to end their high school romance before going to
college. Giving a long-distance relationship the old college try is a
proud tradition, Begun reports. Still, authors who've written about
college life, university psychologists and admissions advisers all sadly
conclude that most long-distance relationships just don't work. In fact,
Thanksgiving breakups occur so often that counselors at the University
of California, Santa Barbara, use the term "turkey drop."

• Contributing Editor Jay Mathews reports that with the tribulations of
the SAT, more high schoolers are taking the ACT, the SAT's less famous
and less feared rival. The somewhat shorter test is now becoming a
welcome alternative for students and their counselors who no longer see
a need to endure the usual SAT trauma. "I think that the ACT is a true
player in the college-admissions game these days," says Robyn Lady,
until recently a college counselor at Thomas Jefferson High School for
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Edited & Posted by the Editor | 10:10 AM | Link to this Post

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