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January 7, 2011
Power to the People: Southwest Windpower Unveils Efficient, Easy-to-Use Small Wind Turbine
Photo: Southwest Windpower unveiled its newest small wind turbine - Skystream 600.
Southwest Windpower today unveiled its newest small wind turbine, Skystream 600, which, according to it, could put wind energy in thousands of homes and businesses worldwide.
The company designs, manufactures and distributes small wind systems (400-3000 watts). According to Southwest Windpower, it has built and shipped more than 170,000 wind turbines to more than 120 countries worldwide and has sales representation in over 88 countries.
Unveiled at the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) with the backing of GE, in Las Vegas, Skystream 600 produces energy for commercial and residential use providing an average of 7,400 kWh of clean, low-cost energy per year per household in 12 mph average annual wind speeds.
Depending on the wind resource, siting and energy efficiency, a Skystream 600 could provide up to 80 percent of an average home’s energy requirements, says the company.
“Through multiple upgrades, including larger blade design, enhanced software and an improved integrated inverter, Skystream 600 provides users with a more efficient and affordable small wind system,” said Dixon Thayer, chief executive officer of Southwest Windpower. “By reducing electric bills, Skystream 600 helps provide affordable independence and stability to users while producing clean energy that won’t hurt the environment.”
Skystream 600 is part of GE’s “home of the future” exhibit at the Consumer Electronics Show, which showcases innovative products designed to help consumers manage home energy generation, cost and consumption.

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 4:13 AM | Link to this Post