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July 16, 2023

UNESCO Member States agree on the Revised Recommendation for Education after an Intergovernmental Special Committee Meeting.

Unesco Education

Unesco Education

Unesco Education

Unesco Education

Unesco Education

Photos: UNESCO Intergovernmental Special Committee meeting on Education. July 10, 2023. UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. Images provided by & copyright © UNESCO / Lily CHAVANCE.

Paris, France, July 15, 2023 — UNESCO Member States have agreed on a revised version of the 1974 Recommendation on Education for international understanding, cooperation, peace, human rights, and fundamental freedoms. The document provides a roadmap for Education in the 21st century to promote global citizenship and sustainable development in the face of current threats and challenges. The revised text updates guidance and introduces new concepts like gender equality, global citizenship education, Education for sustainable development, lifelong and life-wide learning, and digital competencies.

The Recommendation underwent a thorough revision process that involved 3000+ experts from 130+ countries, including educators, NGOs, academics, youth, intergovernmental and UN organizations, and individual experts.

Ms. Stefania Giannini, UNESCO’s Assistant Director General of Education, stated that during the revision process, Member States collaborated and showed commitment. The revised Recommendation promises to provide learners worldwide with the knowledge and tools they need to become enlightened citizens, capable of grasping opportunities and addressing the challenges of our time with respect for others and values of peace, coexistence, and cooperation.

The UNESCO Intergovernmental Special Committee on Education revised the text after two meetings in May-June and July 2023. The seven-day discussions involved over 200 delegates from 112 countries and 50 observers.

UNESCO Administration will present the Recommendation to the UNESCO General Conference for adoption. After adoption, UNESCO and Member States will produce and publish the Implementation Guide.

Prof. Anil Sahasrabudhe, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), represented India in these UNESCO Inter-Governmental Special Committee deliberations at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

Source: UNESCO


— The Editor is a Higher Education Planning Consultant with UNESCO IIEP Credentials. StumbleUpon reddit Facebook Google Plus Tweet This Seed This on Newsvine

Edited & Posted by the Editor | 2:22 PM | Link to this Post

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